AML Screening
We assist clients in fulfilling their AML PEP and Sanction obligations, client can perform a cost-effective and comprehensive name screening during the customer onboarding process.
We are currently, partnering with an Australia’s based company - NameScan to provide their powerful product – Emerald Check , utilises NameScan's Proprietary Database, consisting of consolidated global PEP lists (Covers up to 270 countries and 30 international watchlists) and Sanction profiles that have been collected from the government and other official sources of information, including the most well known to the public:
- Specially Designated Nationals (OFAC)
- Specially Designated Nationals List (SDN)
A very attractive price is now offering as to promote the ideal of AML (Sanction/PEP) check. A comprehensive report can be retained so as for record purpose after each checking.